Saturday, January 7, 2017

Snow in NC

McKaila's been asking ever since it got cold out, why do you never live somewhere where it snows? Well, she got her wish and we got snow. 

The kids were so excited when they woke up on Saturday morning and saw snow on the ground. And from that moment on, they were constantly asking when we could go outside to play in the snow. 

Then, when we finally told them we could go outside, they thought that they could just put their jackets on and run outside. Nope, time to get layers on. They weren't too fond of all the layers, but since we were still fighting colds, layers were mandatory. 

McKenna loved catching snow flakes with her tongue

Struggling to push Mater in the snow

Happy girl

It's been so long since we've seen snow, as you can tell... we use a leaf blower to get snow off the car

We didn't stay out too long, but in the time we did, the kids had so much fun. The kids even went a couple houses down and played with a girl from school and built a snowman. It's something that they have been talking about every day since. 

And due to the snow, ice and very cold temperatures, McKaila has had school cancelled the last 2 days. Thankfully, it's suppose to warm up tomorrow and it will be back to school for a couple days before a half day on Friday. 

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