Tuesday, October 10, 2023


I can’t believe that I’m having to write this blog post. 

I feel like not too long ago, I was blogging about our newest member of the family, Elliott. Now I’m having to blog about one of the hardest mornings the kids and I have had. 

Our sweet little Elliott has now crossed over the rainbow bridge. 

This one was a hard one. Elliott was only 1 1/2 years old and it’s been a while since he’s acted like a kitten should. The last few months, Elliott hasn’t been feeling the greatest, so we’ve spent a lot of time at the vet. Our vet is incredible and was very willing to do everything she could to help Elliott get better. Unfortunately, even with lots of medication, we couldn’t heal Elliott. 

The kids and I had to bring Elliott to the vet for his weekly check up, just so the vet could see if he was improving or not. I knew in my heart that this might be Elliotts time. I hate thinking that, but I also hate that Elliott hasn’t been himself and hate to see him struggle to even walk. 

Courtney and I have always said when it comes to our animals, that we don’t want them to ever be in pain or suffering in any way and if they were, we would make the difficult decision to put them down. So, after running more blood work and doing another look over of Elliott, the vet did say we could try other meds and see if that would help. For me, Elliott had already stopped eating, barely walking, and I didn’t want to have him suffer through more medication and me struggling to give it to him. Due to him not eating, he had already lost weight and I couldn’t imagine putting him through any more of this. 

Courtney is already gone, so doing this on my own, put me on a whole other emotional roller coaster. I told the vet that I think it’s time and she agreed even though it was a hard one to make.

The kids had a hard time saying their good byes to Elliott, which made it that much more heart wrenching for me. I hate having to do this and doing it solo is even harder. I wanted Courtney with me so badly. We all wanted him there, but I will be forever thankful for our vet. She is the most amazing person and I can’t thank her enough for being there for me and the kids that morning. 

Elliott, we love you! We miss you so much, but are happy that you’re roaming free with no more sickness holding you back. 

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