Saturday, December 8, 2018

Santa & Mrs. Clause

We kept it a secret from the kids, but leading up to this day, all the kids knew was that they were going to meet someone special. They tried every question to figure it out, but in the end, they still had no idea where we were taking them and who they were about to meet.

The kids got excited when they noticed we were heading towards daddy's work, but still were pretty clueless on what we were doing at daddy's work. So, when we walked in to the room with a bunch of kids and families around, they got smiles on their faces, and those smiles got even bigger when they noticed the 2 people walking through the door. 


Logan was all talks about running up to Santa and giving him a big huge when they were called up, but once he got to him, he got scared. Somehow though, that worried look on his face, turned into a smile and I was able to get some really cute pictures of the kids with Santa and Mrs. Clause. 

It was a great Christmas event and all the kids that came were given a bag full of goodies including a present from Santa. The kids had lots of fun and McKaila even came up to me and said "that was a good surprise, mommy!"

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